Tel Aviv 2014 - Proposal

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How I develop quickly without pissing off the entire R&D dept. - Tales of internal library development


Developers can be picky and demanding clients. How do you go about making them happy? If you’re developing internal libraries or services, you’ll find that people want their changes as fast as possible but want others’ as slow as possible (all the while demanding peace and quiet from the CI system). Add to that an R&D department comprising some 200 developers which practice continuous delivery in very small and frequent iterations, and you get a challenging set of constraints. In this session we’ll discuss some patterns for solving these constraints, such as practicing TDD, building sample apps, iterating and being attentive. We’ll examine these through tales drawn from Ittai’s experiences in infrastructure development in organizations large and small.


Ittai heads the server software infrastructure team at Wix, serving dozens of developers with everything they need to build apps and services for Wix’s highly scalable SOA-based architecture. Ittai does not succumb to the pressure of this position, even when legions of developers come banging at his door with questions. (and pitchforks!)

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GigaSpaces Technologies HP Software

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AOL On Revello Systems

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Cloudify by GigaSpaces Librato Metrics Chef bigpanda JFrog Wix Outbrain ElasticSearch (in partnership with We-Ankor)

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GitHub Cloudinary

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